Chiropractor Open During COVID-19

As of Midnight, the City of Wichita has a shelter-in-place order for the next 30 days. Chiropractors have been deemed essential during this time and as such, we are open during our regular business hours for the duration of this order.
In fact, there has NEVER been a better time to refer your friends and family in for chiropractic care. Neck and back pain are two of the most common reasons that people seek care in an Emergency Room and now, more than ever, we need to lower the burden of these cases on the hospitals so our great medical providers can focus on providing care to those who need it.
The reality is that Emergency Rooms are very poorly equipped to handle back and neck pain anyway. Seeing as most causes of back and neck pain are mechanical in nature (meaning due to dysfunctional joint movement), the usual treatment of pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs does little to treat the true cause of pain. Adjustments treat the cause, not the symptoms of back pain, and that is what we provide.
We are taking all precautions during this time and are being vigilant in sterilization and cleaning of our common areas and adjusting rooms to ensure that our office is an extremely low-risk place. If you are having symptoms of an illness, please stay home. If you are unsure that you want to travel out during this time, we understand. We are happy to suspend your care until this all blows over and we do not judge anyone for making the best call for their health.
But, if you need us, we are here. If your family needs us, we are here. If someone you know needs us, we are here.
Stay safe, follow the rules, and let’s get through this thing as quickly as possible so we can get back to normal.
Blessings and good health to you all,
Dr. Stanley
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