Is It Safe To Take A Child To A Chiropractor?

What many people don’t know is that chiropractic treatment is not a new form of therapy, rather it existed for more than 100 years. It enjoys an excellent reputation among health care professionals and studies have proven it safe and effective for most musculoskeletal conditions. Furthermore, studies that precisely focus on examining malpractice have shown that this therapy carries a very low risk and excellent safety record when it comes to treating children.
Chiropractors advise that this therapy should ideally start with the pregnant mother and before childbirth. Pregnant women tend to experience misalignment of their spine and pelvic bones secondary to the pressure put on the growing baby. These misalignments can cause problems with the birth, congenital abnormalities, and musculoskeletal problems in the newborn.
A chiropractor should evaluate a newborn and assess his or her musculoskeletal as well as neurological status. Oftentimes, an easy birth with no obvious complications can cause several problems related to spinal health. While evaluating the newborn, a chiropractor can realign the spine and other displaced joints – helping both mother and child enjoy healthy growth.
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