Chiropractic For Children

More than 35 million adults in the United States and millions across the globe rely on spinal manipulation and other chiropractic adjustments to relieve backache, realign the spine, and as a general part of their wellness regime. Studies have shown that chiropractic care is an effective way to ease pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, and treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
Contrary to popular belief, this therapy is not just for adults over 18 years of age. Statistical data from the Journal of the American Medical Association show that 11% of patients seeking chiropractic adjustments are children and adolescents.
Some parents may wonder why there is an increasing trend of getting children to chiropractors. The answer is simple! No matter the size of our spine (adults have large while children have a small one), the problems affecting the joints are the same. If that tiny little spine is creating nerve distress or putting pressure on the adjacent tissues, then it will create several problems and keeps our magnificent bodies from functioning optimally.
Medical science has proven that our body is primarily controlled by the nervous system. If its communication channels become damaged or distorted due to an internal or external factor, we begin to experience neurological disorders, delays in communication, and body disability. For infants and children, this miscommunication may play a role in developing colic or irritability and they will be less likely to get quality sleep and experience developmental delays, digestion issues, low energy, inability to concentrate, asthma, behavioral problems, headaches, and inability to suckle and breastfeed. This shows the importance of an optimally functioning nervous system in our life.
While chiropractors are able to treat several musculoskeletal as well as neuronal disorders, their primary focus is to realign the spine, stimulate the nervous system, and making sure it has the ability to work efficiently and effectively. For instance, imagine your nervous system as a light system in your home. If this system begins to dim, the residents might not be able to do household and may trip and hurt themselves. In the same way, your nervous system influences the actions performed by your body. If there is miscommunication between body organs and the nervous system, its body’s overall health begins to deteriorate and may lead to several health complications.
How do children get nerve irritation?
Vertebral subluxations or more commonly known as nerve irritations may occur secondary to traumas and injuries. Most of the time, they are caused by chemical, physical, emotional, and biological stressors such as exposure to chemical and environmental toxins, poor dietary habits, bad posture, prolonged postures, knocks, and falls, dehydration, sleeping on the tummy. Interestingly, nerve irritation may begin even before the child’s birthright inside the mother’s womb. The most common aggressors include exposure to toxins, awkward positioning, restriction of movement, and due to birth complications such as forceps or cesarean delivery or very fast or long labors.
When we are able to appreciate the importance of the nervous system, the significant role it plays in our health, and how easily it can be impaired and hindered – then it makes sense that why all children must consult chiropractors and deserve a well-adjusted spine and nervous system.
How chiropractors treat babies and children?
Chiropractors use a variety of manual as well as digital therapies to treat their patients. Spinal manipulative therapy is one of the most common treatments that involves hands-on adjustments to the spinal vertebrae. These adjustments are specially designed to target the spinal joints – realigning the displaced joints, relieving pinched nerves, and creating more space for the nerves to move around. This therapy produces typical cracking sounds that may have already heard in TV shows or on social media platforms. That pop sound is not anything to worry about as it is simply the sound of trapped nitrogen gas releasing from a joint – just like the one you hear when cracking your knuckles. Besides spinal manipulation, chiropractors also commonly use at-home exercises, specific body stretches, and soft tissue therapy to treat spinal problems and other pain-causing parts of the musculoskeletal system.
Chiropractic care is much broader than manipulating joints, particularly when it comes to treating babies and children. Most chiropractors design specific treatment approaches when treating children and often involve gentle initial assessment, diagnosis of the problem, hands-on treatment, stretching and exercises, and the use of specific devices for spinal manipulation.
Parents who bring their children to a chiropractic care facility often consult for help with a joint displacement or an injury following a fall or a collision at soccer. However, this therapy is proven effective for not only treating injuries or aligning misaligned joints, but also for treating complex musculoskeletal problems and congenital disabilities. For instance, torticollis is one of the most common reasons parents bring their infants to the chiropractors. It is a medical condition that affects the neck muscles and may lead to issues with breastfeeding and nursing. As mentioned earlier, parents with grown-up children often seek help with kyphosis and scoliosis – both are by birth deformities of the spine.
Furthermore, you can also bring your child if he or she is not suffering from ailments related to the spine. The most common body conditions not connected to the movement or spine that are presented to chiropractors include things like colic, ear infection, autism, and ADHD.
At what age do you go to a chiropractor?
Chiropractic care has enjoyed immense popularity among adults in recent years. Most adults consult chiropractors to ease their pain, relieve chronic conditions, improve range of motion, prevent injury, and enhance athletic performance. But at what age you or your child should go to a chiropractor?
“As early as possible” is the straightforward answer. Yes! Infants and babies can consult a chiropractor and get treatment. In the US, most chiropractors see children under 2 or some even see less than 6 months. Studies have proven it to be a safe, medication-free, and effective way to treat several musculoskeletal issues in infants and children. Furthermore, statistical data show that adverse events directly linked to pediatric chiropractic care are extremely rare. It is largely considered a safe and non-invasive form of treatment available for several body conditions – including management of pain and injury.
Most chiropractors get official training in treating issues related to the pediatric musculoskeletal system. They use gentle, yet effective techniques to ease pain, reduce misalignments, and boost recovery. Your child tends to be healthier and grows naturally with a properly aligned spine.
The birth process (squeezing of the baby through the birth canal) is itself one of the biggest traumas to the delicate body structure of a newborn. It is often aggravated by the use of forceps or suction used during delivery. Later, the falls and bumps children receive when they learn to crawl also put the body under significant stress. Chiropractic care is one of the effective ways to provide relief from those stressors and help them have properly aligned joints and spine to support them and better withstands physical stressors while growing up.
Can a 10-year-old go to a chiropractor?
The short answer is “yes.” The initial decade of life is a time of rapid neurological development and growth. The rapid changes in the body can also cause problems with different body systems. For instance, even less stressful activities like wearing a backpack, using a computer, or mobile gaming can cause spinal misalignments. Added to that are the poor posture at school and sports injuries that can put immense pressure on the delicate spine and adjacent nerves. These are some of the common reasons why your 10-year-old child should consult a chiropractor as early as possible.
With spinal misalignment, the spine puts pressure on adjacent bundles of nerves and interrupt the signal pathways to the brain. This can lead to malfunctioning of the organs or keep them from performing at an optimal level. These issues can further contribute to the development of several body conditions such as colic, asthma, bedwetting, ear infections, frequent flu or colds, stomach ache, poor posture, and hyperactivity.
Gentle spinal adjustments from an experienced chiropractor can help kids ease their symptoms and find relief. Additionally, you can use chiropractic care as a preventative strategy to avoid developing most neurological as well as musculoskeletal conditions.
Should a 13-year-old go to a chiropractor?
Everyone can benefit from chiropractic adjustments – including teenagers. Most teens are not aware of certain positions that put a lot of pressure on their spine and cause backache. While others may require regular wellness adjustments to enhance their posture and physical endurance to prevent sports injuries. The following are the three primary reasons why your 13-year-old or a teen should consult a chiropractor.
- Poor posture habits
Most parents often remind their teenagers to stand up or sit in a proper way at least once a day. While most teens are not able to foresee the negative impacts of poor posture, they will definitely experience it later on. Regular chiropractic sessions can help adjust their spine, fix any misalignments, and promote better posture. Of note, getting spinal manipulation doesn’t mean that your teen will have a perfect posture; however, an aligned spine will help him stand up and sit straighter and reduce the chances of injury during any physical activity.
- They Carry a Heavy Load
Most teenagers struggle with carrying heavy school backpacks. Extra load causes continuous pressure on the spine and may lead to poor posture and reduced nerve functioning. As a general rule, your teen shouldn’t be carrying more than 10% of their body weight.
A chiropractor can help align the spine and fix any issues secondary to the heavy load your child is carrying for a long time. He will also advise certain exercises and stretches to strengthen your back muscles
- Sports Injuries
Teenagers are more prone to sports injuries, blunt traumas, and falls. Statistical data show that many teenagers commonly visit orthopedic specialists, physiotherapists, and chiropractors for issues related to sports and related physical activities. Most of these complaints stem from abrasions, muscle pulls, and joints displacements. This doesn’t mean parents should pull their teenagers off their sports team. Instead, make them regular for chiropractic adjustments that can help them play better and prevent injuries.
If your teenager has a long-standing backache, shoulder ache, muscle pull, or neck strain due to heavy load or sports injuries, consult your chiropractor and he will help your child feel better in many ways.
Why do babies see chiropractors?
Studies have shown chiropractic care be to be extremely helpful and safe for children. Clinical trials have proven the following 7 useful ways that chiropractic care may benefit your kid.
Helps in great healthy living
Kids with an appropriately adjusted spine and neck will in general have better posture and are overall healthy. Chiropractic adjusts the spine and neck, yet additionally helps with clearing the neural pathways. This helps the sensory system to perform well, which is important for a healthy lifestyle. Likewise, because of chiropractic’s full-body approach, it provides a good foundation for daily exercise and healthy living for children.
Beneficial in treating issues in children, for example, earaches and colic
Various studies have proved that chiropractic care is effective when it comes to treating a number of diseases and conditions in children. Chiropractic has proven to be successful in treating chronic colic in children, making for a lot more joyful child.
Similarly, if your child is having sinus blockage or an earache, a chiropractic neck adjustment can help in clearing out the liquid from the ears. A chiropractor can also help in reducing misaligned nerves if your child is suffering from asthma – that might be disturbing the diaphragm, lungs, or bronchial tubes.
Helps with breastfeeding
Numerous new moms find it challenging to remain on breasts or hook onto during breastfeeding. It can be due to problems with the misalignment of the spine and backaches.
Babies also face many difficulties during the birth cycle that negatively affect their little bodies. Bone and joint specialists can help adjust the child’s spine, neck, or shoulders, making the feeding process more comfortable and easier and eliminates the stress that occurs during the time.
Helps with sleeping
If you have children, you’ve likely spent numerous evenings trying to get your children to bed and you get next to no rest yourself. Sleep training is very effective in improving sleep in many children. However, this doesn’t work for all infants or kids. Misaligned vertebrae in children cause disturbance and discomfort to the nervous system. Chiropractic care can be an incredible way to help them, and you, get some genuine quality sleep.
Limits the danger of injury
Children and babies have more flexible bones as compared to those of grownups. However, their delicate structure is not spared from wounds, injuries, and mechanical traumas. Regular chiropractic sessions are an effective method of preventing injury in kids. Chiropractic adjustments are also helpful in keeping the joints and muscles flexible. When your youngster starts to turn over, pull up, sit up, crawl, walk, and tends to be more mobile, chiropractic care turns out to be valuable during these developmental stages. Studies have shown that chiropractic care can ensure simpler and smoother developmental changes, and lead to fewer wounds.
Falls and wounds
Owing to growing age, bumps and wounds are very common in youngsters. And keeping in mind that it’s difficult to figure out whether your child has an injury, it’s a lot harder, if certainly possible, to tell when a kid has a small injury. Microtrauma could be the result of falling or some other mishap. Unfortunately, these small injuries can lead to subluxations, which increase the risk of severe medical problems and health complications. With regards to treating misalignments or subluxations, chiropractors are the experts who can professionally find subluxations, or misalignments and adjusting them.
Supports Neurological Development
In babies, a misaligned spine is the main cause of damaging nerve function, which results in discomfort and anxiety in your child. Since it’s difficult for the youngster to express their trouble, many parents end up visiting a pediatrician or a neurologist for a remedy or dietary change. A chiropractor is a better option as he can help ease the pressure on the nerves with the goal that your kid’s body can develop constantly and ideally.
Promotes Healthy Spinal Elongation
Chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulation can help adjust your youngster’s quickly developing spine, which can increase in length as much as 50% in the primary year. The development is weakened without proper alignment. For appropriate spine stretching and arch, chiropractors provide spinal adjustment which is essential for the child’s development with no spinal distortions.
Improved Immune Function
Studies show that spinal manipulation in the early years can build the body’s capacity in delivering and producing infection-fighting cells. Therefore, it helps in boosting the immune system in an effective way.
Helps in Reducing Fussiness
Being a parent is quite challenging, particularly with a crying child who can’t be controlled. Figuring out how to deal the child’s pressure can likewise help you with an improved home experience. Chiropractic adjustments can help your child with relaxing, decrease fussiness, promote healthier development and eventually let you enjoy some rest time at home.
Assists with ADHD/ADD
In all honesty, a few researchers have uncovered that youngsters with ADHD/ADD have had positive changes with chiropractic treatment. However yet to be demonstrated, a few investigations have even recommended that chiropractic could be more effective than prescription drugs and medicines that only focus on easing symptoms. Additionally, many parents and guardians have experienced their kids’ ADHD symptoms have improved after a few months of regular chiropractic treatment.
Is it safe to take a child to a chiropractor?
What many people don’t know is that chiropractic treatment is not a new form of therapy, rather it existed for more than 100 years. It enjoys an excellent reputation among health care professionals and studies have proven it safe and effective for most musculoskeletal conditions. Furthermore, studies that precisely focus on examining malpractice have shown that this therapy carries a very low risk and excellent safety record when it comes to treating children.
Chiropractors advise that this therapy should ideally start with the pregnant mother and before childbirth. Pregnant women tend to experience misalignment of their spine and pelvic bones secondary to the pressure put on the growing baby. These misalignments can cause problems with the birth, congenital abnormalities, and musculoskeletal problems in the newborn.
A chiropractor should evaluate a newborn and assess his or her musculoskeletal as well as neurological status. Oftentimes, an easy birth with no obvious complications can cause several problems related to spinal health. While evaluating the newborn, a chiropractor can realign the spine and other displaced joints – helping both mother and child enjoy healthy growth.
Chiropractic Care Is Especially Important For Children
Health experts think that displacement or misalignment of the spine in infants and young children can cause a variety of neurological and musculoskeletal symptoms that can further lead to issues with neurological development, sleep pattern and quality, feeding, immune system, and general comfort. Infants are most vulnerable to such body condition and can develop several health complications due to the stress of birth. According to chiropractors, the childbirth process often results in impairment of neurological development and other congenital disabilities in newborns.
Furthermore, birth trauma can also cause nerve dysfunction – leading to a wide variety of troublesome symptoms such as difficulty in nursing, sleeping difficulty, trouble breathing, colic, irritability, delayed development, and others. A chiropractor is a health professional with the right knowledge and skills of the spine and other body joints. He can help ease these symptoms by aligning your child’s spine and removing the stress caused by pinched nerves.
Of note, not all chiropractors can handle pediatric issues. Therefore, be sure to ask about the qualification and experience of a chiropractor before deciding on chiropractic care for your child. It is also important to know the manual or mechanical skills and the kind of adjustment techniques they use for manipulation.
An ideal chiropractor should have a child-friendly atmosphere and first-hand experience in treating pediatric issues.
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