Stanley Chiropractic in Wichita, KS
Since 2011, we have helped thousands of people get rid of their pain and keep it from coming back without drugs or surgery. We can help you do the same.
Yes, I Want to Be Pain-Free!
Better at Home
We help all of our patients overcome pain and thrive during all stages of life. The care that we provide in our office is safe and effective for children as well as adults. It's easier to grow healthy adults than it is to fix broken ones.
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Better at Work
Back pain is one of the most common reasons that people miss work. The care that we provide in our office helps our patients feel and function better so they can continue to work and provide for themselves and their families.
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Better at the Gym
In order to reach your health and wellness goals, you cannot be dealing with pain and injuries. The care that we provide in our office helps our patients feel better, perform better during their workout, and decrease their risk of injury.
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Better at Play
Pain can interfere with your ability to do the things you love to do. The care that we provide in our office helps our patients feel better, function better, and continue doing all the activities that they enjoy.
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Wichita Chiropractor & Chiropractic Care Clinic

Dr. Mike Stanley is a chiropractor in Wichita, KS. At Stanley Chiropractic, we believe that too many people in Wichita struggle daily with the burden and frustration of pain. We provide effective, affordable chiropractic treatment without the use of drugs or surgery to help our patients overcome their pain and thrive at home, work, the gym, and play.

If you are ready to take action today, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Contact us to schedule an appointment.
  2. Allow us to examine you to find the cause of your pain, and come up with a tailored plan to meet your goals.
  3. Work with us to execute that plan, correct the cause of your pain, and get you back to doing what you love.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments restore motion to joints of the spine that are not moving properly and are causing pain.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression helps relieve pain caused by bulging, degenerated, or herniated discs.

Therapeutic Exercises

Our personalized therapeutic exercise programs address any muscle imbalances that have developed as a result of your condition.