Can A Chiropractor Mess Up Your Neck?

It is possible. While chiropractic treatment can be safe and effective when performed by a licensed and trained practitioner, there is a risk of complications and adverse effects, mainly if the therapy involves the manipulation of the neck or cervical spine.
Some of the potential risks associated with neck manipulation by a chiropractor include the following:
- Stroke: In rare cases, neck manipulation may cause a tear in the artery that supplies blood to the brain, leading to a stroke.
- Nerve damage: Manipulation of the neck or cervical spine may damage nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or legs.
- Herniated disk: Manipulation of the neck or cervical spine may cause a herniated disk, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or legs.
- Headaches: Neck manipulation may cause headaches, particularly in the back or neck.
Always work with a licensed and trained chiropractor with experience and expertise in neck manipulation. If you have concerns about neck manipulation or are experiencing neck pain or other symptoms, speak with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course of treatment. They can help evaluate your condition and provide guidance on chiropractic treatment’s potential risks and benefits.
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