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Can A Chiropractor Make A Pinched Nerve Worse?


While chiropractic care can be an effective treatment for many conditions, including pinched nerves, there is a potential risk of making the situation worse if the treatment is not performed correctly or if the patient is not a good candidate for chiropractic care.

In some cases, a pinched nerve may be caused by a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or other serious condition that requires medical treatment beyond what chiropractic care can provide. In these cases, chiropractic treatment may not be appropriate and could potentially make the situation worse.

However, when performed by a licensed and experienced chiropractor, chiropractic care can often help alleviate pain and discomfort caused by a pinched nerve. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper alignment and function to the spine, reducing pressure on the affected nerve and promoting healing.

Work with a qualified and experienced chiropractor, and to be honest and upfront about any medical conditions or concerns you may have before beginning treatment. This will help ensure that you receive safe and effective care tailored to your individual needs and medical history.

1 Comment

NinaOctober 11, 2023 at 8:03 pmReply

Can chiropractic adjustments help with scalp paresthesia? my scalp is tingly and itchy and I have degenerative disc disease at C4 to C7 in my neck. The itchiness and tingling gets worse when I stand too long, dissipates when I sit, but is there when I wake up in the morning, still laying down. I get regular adjustments every three weeks and have been since 2011. My medical doctor thinks I have Seborrheic Dermatitis but I don’t have a rash or any visible evidence of that. My eyebrows also itch but again, no rash. Should I continue my adjustments? could this be a cranial nerve issue?

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